Development of humanistic thinking through the arts

An educational workshop directed By Dr. Angelica Edna Calo Livne

Time Frame     Meetings of 2 hours

Target group   50 students:  age from 16


  • Creating an atmosphere of acceptance and positive communication within the group and creating a strong group of friends and positive leaders.
  • Creating the relationship between participants through an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual interest.
  • Improve and empower creativity, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-expression through the Arts



  • Innovative techniques for the consolidation of the group
  • Activities through the Arts to awake the willingness to make a better world
  • Enhancement of cultural, human and social resources.


Development of the course:

Participant will get to know each other through the different personal stories.

with the youngsters of Beresheet LaShalom.


Program and Activities

Warm up, improvisation, pantomime, dancing, music and several kinds of alternative communication to feel and experience personally the way we work in Beresheet LaShalom to reinforce positivity, optimism and hope.

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